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Middle School Math News

Always free
March 10, 2025

"I am unable to quit, because I am currently too legit."

IXL questions answered this year so far: 90,555



Upcoming ILS Events


March 14: End of 3rd Quarter (moved from the 7th due to the snow days)

March 10-14: National Lutheran Schools Week

March 14: Grandparents Day/Early Dismissal. No Preschool

March 17-21: Spring Break

April 5: Trivia Night (Click here to Register/Donate)

April 13: Confirmation Sunday

April 18: No School-Good Friday

April 21: No School-Easter Monday

April 22-25: NWEA Testing (K-8)

May 9: 6th-8th Grade Musical-Matilda

May 13 & 15: 8th Grade Finals

May 14: Kindergarten Graduation

May 15: 8th Grade Graduation

May 19 & 20: Preschool 4's Graduation

May 20: K-7 Field Day

May 22: Last Day of School-

Early Dismissal (K-8)


Useful Links

Google Classroom

Online Math Book

Church and School Website

Sign up for the Eagle Weekly here.

Join the class Facebook page for Exclusive Content:

My You-tube Page:

Campus Stuff:

If you are without a church home, please consider attending Immanuel.
Please join us for worship!
Our services are:
Saturday Night: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Morning: 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.


Join the iNews: Eagle Weekly email list (will be emailed directly each week)


Middle School News​


​Happy National Lutheran Schools Week. Below are the dress-up days for this week.

Reminder - the end of third quarter is Friday. Any and all late work must be turned in by Wednesday this week or I cannot give credit.


No tests this week in math. See below for what is going on in each class.



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Class notes

This Week in 6th Grade


We began our unit on Statistics. This chapter will focus on the measures of center (Mean, Median, and Mode) and the measures of variations (Quartiles and Range). We'll also look at several ways to graph statistical findings.

What are we learning?: What is the best way to communicate mathematical findings? What is the best measure of center to use?

  • Monday: Survey/data collection Project

  • Tuesday: Survey/data collection Project - Due Thursday (50 points)

  • Wednesday: No Class

  • Thursday: Shortened schedule for class - review 

  • Friday: No Class

6th Grade Class Notes can be found here.

This Week in 7th Grade


 We are moving on to our geometry unit. We will be using much of the algebra we've just learned and will focus this year on angle measures.

What are we learning?: How do we measure angles?

  • Monday: 11-1 Angle Measure Relations

  • Tuesday: 11-1 Angle Measure Relations

  • Wednesday: 11-1 Angle Measure Relations

  • Thursday: 11-1 Angle Measure Relations

  • Friday: No Class - Grandparents Day

7th Grade Class Notes can be found here.


This Week in 8th Grade


We only have two chapters remaining. We will focus on Polynomials and factoring quadratic functions. Factoring is going GREAT with this bunch but is a skill that requires a lot of practice...we all had it drilled into our heads if you remember. We will finish this chapter after spring break. 


What are we learning?: How do you solve quadratic functions?

  • Monday: Movie about Pythagorean Theorem

  • Tuesday: Movie about Pythagorean Theorem

  • Wednesday: Movie about Pythagorean Theorem

  • Thursday: Factoring Review

  • Friday: No Class

8th Grade Class Notes can be found here


8th graders trying to use a Jedi mind trick to force the class trip to happen in March.


Me, calling for my lost SmartBoard Pen. 

Have a great week!  ~ Rich Wuebbels


So, you talked throughout the lesson and now your math doesn't math.

Other Reminders:

Just remember Google Classroom is where everything is at. Your child's passwords are all on the first page of their planner so please feel free to copy those down and peek through their accounts often. Here is a video on how to navigate Google Classroom:

IXL grading is a little different from other assignments. A 90% "smart score" in IXL is equivalent to 100% in FastDirect. Anything over a 90% is worth up to one bonus point...they add up so I encourage students to try it (especially on the easier assignments).   

Regular chapel can be viewed live on our Youtube channel at, or on our Facebook page. 

Each student's passwords are found in the student planner. Here you can find IXL, rocket math, email, and math textbook codes.

© 2024 by Rich Wuebbels, Math Teacher. Proudly created with

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